Sometimes we’re tempted to get things fixed in our lives before we welcome Jesus in. That’s not how it works. You don’t get your life squared up before asking Jesus in. Asking Jesus in is HOW you get your life cleaned up. You say, “I need to make things right with my kids, my ex, my wife, my husband my parents, my brother, my sister, and THEN I can do the Jesus thing”. No, Jesus is the one that will give you the strength to make things right with those other people. You may say, “I can’t come to Jesus until I get this addiction under control, until I stop doing these things I hate, or until I can be a little more worthy”. Instead, invite Jesus in today, because He is the one that can save you from your addiction, help you with your behavior, and transform your character. Your heart doesn’t need to be perfect for Him to come in—He brings the perfect with Him. Don’t hide the mess, deny the mess, downplay the mess, avoid the mess or try to fix the mess on your own. Invite Jesus in to bless the mess. To transform the mess.