Today, you may feel like a nobody. You may have been called a nobody. You may tell yourself that you’re a nobody; but God says you are somebody. You don’t need any more Facebook friends or Twitter followers to be a somebody. You don’t need to look a certain way to be a somebody. You don’t need to have the right friends to be a somebody. You don’t need to drive a certain car to be a somebody. You don’t need to live in a bigger house to be a somebody. You don’t have to be recognized to be a somebody. In fact if you keep making your value dependent on somebody else’s opinion of you, you will never fully rest in the value you already have. God has already said you are a somebody in Jesus. He loves you and died for you! In Jesus, you are forgiven, free, empowered, loved—you’re not alone, you’re not finished, and your best days are still to come.
